Tuesday, June 2, 2009

After the tins

K all of lads are gone. Bit mouldy now so bear with me...

We had a mega chat. I fucking love those, as I said to my friend " I hope I'm not boring you, ya know the lack of people drinking? " he replied " I'm drinking with my friends what more could I ask for " I went " awwwwww " in my head haha.

All of that to the side I came to the point where I was thinking about telling them that I like guys too as they were talking about guys being bi... and didnt really seem to care. I guess what I worried about was the initial " OH " that most people get.

I'm positive that my friends would accept me for who I am and wouldnt give a shit, but there's always the chance that makes me go :\ I would love to tell them, I really would, but being a complete and utter bitch I cant cant make myself say it no matter how hard I try.

Anyways that took a massive amount of my limited brain power ( drained by alcohol )
but I'l be back tomorrow dont worry.... I'm fucking starving atm and going to go and rape something in the fridge >:)

btw that took fookin ages to write so ya better fookin enjoy it....



  1. Yeah I have the same problem (about coming out, not alcohol :P)
    So far only my mom knows (and thats because she came up and asked me) and just answering honestly took a lot of willpower, lol.

    Glad you have good friends though :D


  2. Oh you have no idea how good they are I mean I'd be lost without em. I count myself very lucky to know em :)

  3. By the time you're forty and never paired up with with a woman the brighter among your friends will probably have begun to wonder. So, no need to come put to them.
