Sunday, June 28, 2009

Short post

Hey have work in a few hours so I'm gona keep this pretty short.

First of all I'm not fucking tired but I'm gona try and get some sleep anyway in a wee bit.

Second I hate going into work without sleeping, my internal clock is gona be fucked haha.

Third I dont have any fags >.< those are cigarettes btw

Fourth my boss has it in her head that I want work so she has let several of the full time staff take holidays, she couldnt be more wrong haha I'm a lazy bastard and love sitting around doing fuck all. She also thinks that I like to work seperate days and not alot together which is also shite... I'm gona have to say it to her :\

Last I lost a follower do I bore ye that much O.o


  1. Aww work sucks :( (but at least you get paid for it lol)

    I always forget that fags is an english word for cigarettes... haha now I get that joke in that british movie I watched. *facepalm*

    Lost a follower why D: I like reading your blog :)


  2. British you say O.o :o

    But ye your sorta rihgt we have stolen some of thier sayings, eg: "can I bum a fag" means could I have a cigarette (^^,) the ol die hards down south might have a thing or two to say about that eh?

  3. By all means let your boss know of your "expectations." Hope she can arrange things better.
