Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hey o/

Hey longtime no post, just dropping in to say hi :)

Not a whole lot has hapened lately well some stuff has but I cant really put it down here :(

What I can say is well exams are nearly here and I'm alergic already... books, study and notes really arent my thing :/ I practically freak out walking into an exam ya know that feeling, you dont wana eat cant sleep, keep fidgeting etc..... Well its here now, admitedly not as bad as the ones I got last year but its annoying and I cant wait to get out the gap for christmas =D

Works going ok but I'm gona be in a lot when my exams are done people out sick from work and my boss was practically begging me to come in the last few days but I had given notice so I 'politely declined' as in 'Fuck off I have an exam to study for'

One more thing, people that get up early in the morning... I dont know how you do it. Got up the last few days at 7am and quite frankly hated every second of the day until bedtime at a stupidly early hour. Really it was a crap experience and whenever im off I'm never getting up before 2pm ever again. Got up at 3pm today and feel great =D

Just giving ye a bit of scá anyway hope life is finding ye well, enjoy christmas and new years too if I dont post again.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Not posted in ages

Yes I know I haven't posted in ages, but thats cause theres shite all going on in my life atm. Ya know shit I cant post on the internet being cheif among them. I'd like to but I just cant you know pricacy and all that shit (-->I'm rather paranoid by the way)

but look just posting to say I'm alive =D take morew than a few weeks of silence to kill me you bastads =D

Monday, July 27, 2009

The week in review

Worked on Monday, it was crap.

Worked on Tuesday, was also crap. I did however get one good thing out of it I managed to fix my internal clock (as in not going to bed late and getting up late) I was in bed by 8pm on tuesday night so I was rather pleased with myself and looking forward to a wednesday where I could go shopping early for a change.

So Wednesday came about and guess what :O I was up and awake at 10 to 7. Made a fry for myself which I <3 I also hadn't eaten fried eggs in ages so I was deeelighted when I was eating them =P my Dad left for work as I was playing the computer. I was playing for a while and was just talking to a guildmate in the game how glad I was I wasn't at work... about 10 seconds after writing that my Dad came back to the house and said "your needed in work somebodies out sick"

I went crazy "Why the fuck did you come back and get me on my day off, fuck off and ring somebody else for fuck sake" was the most pleasant thing I said to him that morning. I can be a nasty git when I want to, and I really shouldn't have reacted like that I know but I was fuming. So wnt into work in a very quiet car with my best *I'm pissed off face on* but after about half an hour I had relaxed, and you know what? The day didnt turn out to be that bad at all =D The boss even came down and said sorry for the short notice and that someone had called in sick. On the way home I payed for what I did in the morning and my Dad was taking the piss out of me for most of drive home, we had a bit of a giggle which is good and I did say I was bit of a tool and I over reacted. He just went "don't worry about it"

Thursday got up early again \o/ and actually went shopping this time. Bought a few things like a new t-shirt that caught my eye, it was mainly toiletries though spray and shower gel and all that. Running a bit low. Oh and I also bought Crysis..... for a game slut like me I was actually shaking when I started playing it I was in awe. The graphics, physics and lighting in the game are simply amzing. The story is *cough* a bit shit but how bad :> so then did all the usual stuff then like hang around with a few of the lads. Had pizza in my front room and watched x-men 3 one of them hadnt seen it before so was bugging me to put it on... annoying but I said okay as I always do <.< cos its a pretty decent film. Stayed there with 3 of the lads till 2 in the morning just talking. Which we havent done in ages cos most of us are working but it was nice ya know :)

Friday got up a slightly late well 2.30 :\ and I would have been longer if one of my friends hadn't been ringing me all fucking afternoon. Picked up the phone and was like

"The fuck do you WANT" <-- I'm also a dick when I'm woken up.

"Where are you?"

"In bed you mong"

"Erm, Cian you said you meet me in town remember?"

"Huh? What for?"

"Its *insert name here* 21'st birthday tomorrow you moron. And we still dont have his present yet"

O.O "Fuck, totally forgot"

"You coming into town then?"

"Hah no fuck that I'm still in bed" <-- did I mention how lazy I am?

So anyway what actually hapened was my friend that rang bought him a big fancy watch and we all chipped in. The payment or re-payment rather (for the one who went in and bought the watch) was everybody who chips in for it, has to buy you a drink so the guy that bought the watch got 5 free drinks the next night saving him 30 quid :) so for the rest of that day I was just at home resting because Saturday was the big one. The first persone to make it to 21 from our group of friends so it was a big deal for all of us, I was rather excited.

Saturday, normal day get up late, dinner etc. After dinner had a shave and shower as we were going out for a bit of raz tonight :)

Me and 3 friends started drinking in one of their gafs at about quarter to eight, by nine we were in my mums car on the way into town. Got out went to the the atm and into the club. The place was pretty empty but not to worry it was still early. Gradually more people started to arive but the party was still kinda dead, an empty dance floor is a big disapointment for me (I'm crap but I do enjoy it) so plenty of alcohol and a few trips to the smoking area later I realised "Hey its starting to pick up WOOT WOOT" so from bout 11.30 ish the night really got into swing. The dance floor was packed, people were in good spirits. My friend (who's bday it was) was already destroyed and we weren't letting him get away with only being destroyed different groups of people kept buying pints and going for rounds of shots with him so he was totally hammered, still kept going though xD

I could go into every single detail bout the party but I'm not going to, cos I was also rather drunk hehe =P it'l also take ages to write it all down and make sense. But it was a great night, had a good laugh celebrating a friends birthday with no major drama which is about as good a night as you can hope for.

Sunday, first of all my head was fucked when I woke up and my tounge felt like it was wearing a wooly jumper, I needed water lots of it and more sleep..... lots of it z.z Got up pretty late but at least now I have an excuse :> so night came and I got a phonecall. A friends rents were away for a bit and he was having a session (consumption of alcohol for those who dont know) in his gaf. I didnt really feel like drinking as I had work on monday and because of the party the nihgt before but I said I'd call up anyway for a bit. Was good fun and I was rather annoyed at having to go to work in the morning as I would have enventually caved and gone drinking anyway. There's always something about having work in the morning that makes me want to stay at parties :( drinking there probably wouldnt even have crossed my mind if I didnt have work haha.

Monday, back to the grinder for another few days :(

Gah that took ages to write... anyways see ye again and much love <3


Monday, July 20, 2009

Up late again -_-

Its 3 in the morning I have work in 4 hours and I'm not even tired, why? Well because I'm a lazy bastard and got up at 5 pm today.

Thats whats I do when I don't have any work hehe, I asked my boss for Sunday off because of that party I was going to. She thought that I wanted the entire weekend off, which I didn't. But meh I did enjoy a weekend without work my first in about 6 months :\

The party was great btw met up with a few friends that I hadn't seen in ages n stayed there til about 4 came back wiht one of the lads. I love that actually when you run into people that you really get on with at a party n catch up. Was doing loads of that on Saturday night. We left at about 3 or half past and I brought one of the lads back to my house.

Both of us were starving so we raided my fridge and sat down in my kitchen for a bit just talking, after a while my friend went cos he was falling asleep. I was on Youtube when my Dad came down at quarter to seven in the morning to go to work hehe, he wasn't too happy =D

Got talked into going out last night as well my friends wouldn't stop bugging me to get more drink and come out again. I lost count of the amount of times I said 'I was drinking yesterday' they weren't having any of it though.

I caved eventually and it actually turned out to be a good night. We were in a house of a friend of a friends which was nice as she doesn't really know me that well but still let me and 2 of my other friends come. I can see why people might be reluctant to bring people that they don't know that well to their house, as many people are morons. You can rest assured I'm always well behaved when ever I'm out :)

We did have a great night though, despite the fact that one of my friends got off with this one that was at the house, who was a cousin of one of the other lads that was at the house. We had to walk home which took bout 3 quarters of an hour, as he was our lift home haha.

till my next blog :)

Cian (and fuck you Firefox my name is not spelled wrong)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A wee update

Hey ya'l I think I'l stick with irregular blogging in the future, mainly because I dont want to post rubbish and people get bored/stop reading. So what I'l do is probably post once a week or if something good/great/amazing/fantabulous happens I can post that too :)

Things have been going fine round here lately, still have ages left in my summer holidays which is rocking good news =D been working away so I have money and also something to do when I get bored of the computer. The game that I'm playing at the moment is great but I feel like I need a new one.

So last night my Mum said she was going shopping and I was

"Oh oh oh bring me, bring me"

the look on her face haha o.O "You actually want to come shopping, with me? Cian this is e we're talking about"

"Yes I do haha"

See usually when we go shopping I'm a moaning little shit telling her to hury up and asking why does she need to look at 10 different packets of the same thing <.< I really dont get how her or any female can stay inside shops that long. I mean what do they get out of it (except for shopping of course) I hate shops, dont ask why. I get really distracted in them and can sometimes find it hard to think, I've even gone in and bought the wrong things before and then afterwards said to myself fuck that I'm not going in again.

I'm not afraid of public spaces/shops or anything I just dont really like shopping a whole lot. I probably get it from my traumatised youth of spending countless hours in town while my Mum pours over useless shit that she's not going to buy in some backalley shop for hours on end.

So anyway back to shopping I went in with an eye towards buying the crysis battlechest (or something along those lines) its 3 games in one for 50 euro which aint too bad price wise. But it was 8.45 pm and the shops close at 9 on a Friday so once we got thee I ran out of the car because I needed money from the atm (getting all excited before going to gamestop which regularly happens) and checked the shop was open which :o it was. So that was great legged it to the atm 100 quid thank you very much. Turned into Road Runner on the return journey to gamestop but...

=[ 8.55 and the frakking shutters are down. I cursed very loudly in the middle of the shopping centre. Drawing starnge looks from a few people who though I was a bit odd hehe =P So I said frak it get some junk food and watch a movie instead :)

Which I did got some haribo starmix and a bag of dorrito's whcih are :o so tasty *drools* and watched Terminator Salvation. Which despite what a lot of people have said I though was great the special effects in are o.o and some of the things they do in it are shweet. It was a bit odd though and not what I would have made was I making it. But then again I'm not a writer so I'l sht up now haha.

I have a party to go to tonight, one of my friend parents have gone away for 2 weeks and left her alone (her being 19) we were there last week too but I forgot to mention it. So anyway a house, a load of drunken morons, what could possibly go wrong? If anything does I'll tell ye about it =P

Enjoy yere weekend all I know I will <3


Thursday, July 9, 2009

What I was on about the other night =p

'something that has been trailing me my entire life.

Something that I have finally destroyed utterly and totally. It may have taken somebody to say it to me to make me realise it. But I'm still like \o/ (thats e throwing my arms into the air in joy haha)'

Thats what I said and I think its time to explain, I'm the youngest of 3 brothers. Who are total legends btw, I would gladly follow them to hell and back and they'd do the same without asking. Ya know we take care of each other look after each other like proper family do.

But I'm very much the black sheep of the family, I was the one who was drinking when I was 13, I had been smoking for 3 years (on and off) before I was caught when I was 14. By then I was very much full time, I also got into alot more trouble in school than any of my brothers ever did. Nothing serious but I was and still am much more of a messer than either of them.

This was also greatly reflected in my school work. I was never even close to either of them in grades at school. We all went to the same school and because we look very alike (to the point where people think I am my brothers on the bus or if I pass in a car) teachers often confused our names. In my class in secondary school there was a fella there who even had the same name as me which led to alot of confusion in the first days. We're now great friends too he's a total ledge and I'm glad I met him he's a proper friend.

What I'm saying though is that because teachers either confused my name with my brothers or my friend (who at the time was one of the top in the class) it often led to things like "Cian" 'yes' 'yes' "No, not you the smart one" or "x" (me being called my brothers name) and then "Oh wait I forgot he always gets A's doesnt he"

Which for a youngfella at the age of 14 is rather nasty. I was also shite at maths in school despised them, still do of course =D But the maths teacher I had also had both of my brothers. I was really bad at them as in I didnt do homework in maths for 2 and half years straight.

So that led to me and her having shouting matches in class and regular visits to the year head, she was also a complete bitch so its not all my fault. Suffice to say that wouldnt do at all and when the Junior Cert (the first state exam in Ireland usually your about 15) came around I was well and truly fucked. But :o I pulled through got a B in maths which took alot of work but how bad. Then we have the leaving cert which is slightly more important as it allows you to gain virtually free access to a college course of your chosing provided you can get enough points for it.

The points system is rather odd as the points value for the subject you are entering isnt based on its difficulty, its based on demmand from the year before and in extreem cases of demmand ie: 200 more students want to do the subject than they have places for the points will increase until they have a number the lecturers can deal with.

But me being a moron thought it was the other way around low points = easy. Which is wrong, low points means a course that not many people take. This happens for one of two reasons (a) its impossible (b) the degree doesnt have many employment prospects. I got option (a) which is why I stated in my earlier posts that I dropped out of college last year and was basicly fucked.

I was after clawing and scraping my way through secondary school, battering my way past the Leaving Cert. Then was hit by the college wall, needless to say I was found wanting. I couldnt hack it and dropped out. So once again the black sheep of the family has found his place, neither of my brothers did that and I was begining to think alot of people thought I was thick. Because of our good old friend the 'Recession' I couldn't find any fucking work either. So for 9 months I was what alot of dropouts are 'A waster' having that title and having your friends regularly say it is shit. But from all the above I hope you can see the sort of state I was in, feeling like shite, getting treated like shite and having my sense of well being and self confidence at an all time low. It was the worst I had felt in a long time.

But here I am one year later with my first year of college under my belt passed all of my exams and am in very well paid part time work,so ya know what Fuck the lot of ye wankers I'm here and I'm not fucking off without a fight >:)

Oh and about that was said to me, I told somebody in work what I got a 2.2 in my exams which is a 60-65% average.

She said "Well there ya go, see you can do it when ya want to. You know people could have been going xxxxxxx(my dad) has 3 sons 2 of them are great but the young fella well he's a different story"

When she said that I was like o.o it was like getting hit in the face with a brick and has made me realise that I can do shit if I want it badly enough so woo woo GO ME =D

Hope ye enjoyed my little story anyway and I hope to blog again soon,

take care :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Im in a familiar spot now =D

In bed with the laptop, reading blogs till the sun comes up, well actually its been up for the last 2 hours and its now half 6 in the morning but shhhhhhat up =D

I'm in stealth mode, I have earphones in so the rentals wont wake up xD

Anyway people post more fishizlix... I'm out of reading material >.<

Sorry bob :\

Just saw that you tagged me for that blogging spot game, good idea but I did sorta miss it.. by a good few days :\ *looks away rather ashamed* oh and anyway I dont own a camera (^^,) so I couldnt take part anyway :(

Well anyway in other news my internets fucked.... not right now because its half four in the morning. But still its bad enough that its really fucking me off. I sent a very very nasty email to my internet service provider. Because quite frankly I was pissed off big time.

My new computers also acting like a complete dick, crashed during a game earlier and because the internet is saying 'No I'm not working' I've been sitting in front of my tv drinking rather expensive beer, my dads gonna freak haha. But I realised it was about time I posted and let people know how I was getting on.

Things are going fine :) thank god. Nothing has exploded and everybody is ok so thats that out of the way.

I've not been around because I was covering for people at work. Covering for people who were taking holidays which is good a) overtime woo woo!! b) bad because my body was like >.< I need sleep hehe =P

Been watching the news too, ya know the whole Michael Jackson memorial thing? Does anybody else think they should just lay him to rest?

Was watching the news earlier, thought it was sky news but they do a CBS section at night, which had a news reporter talking to kids on how to combat the recession. At first I was like O.o but after watching for a while they made a rather odd bit of sense. Like some of the ideas were great. But what the reporter found out during the investigation made me realise just how lucky I am.

He was talking to one kid, who said he realised things were bad when they had to go to a relatives house to get money for food. He then told the viewers 'So he decided to help' or something alog those lines. Then he asked the kid what did he do. The kid who was 10 said what he did... and my fucking jaw dropped

He raided his own savings, about 40 dollars and gave them to his parents to help out I mean if thats not a great kid I dont know what is. What was even worse then was they were talking to the mum who was saying that herself and her husband reckonned they were failures because they wee finding it hard to provide for their kids. I'm like :( now

It also meade me think would I do that... I dont think I would I'm a rather selfish bastard when I want to be and should probably be alot better to my parents than I am. I'm not making any life changing promises here but I do owe them big time. Now I just have to think of a way to make it up to them.

I have something else thats rather big on my mind but I think I'l save that for my next post. It was something somebody said to me in work the other day, and when she said it I went O.O 'fuck she's right, she may be a bitch. But she is right' and no its not me being a wanker or anything like that but something that has been trailing me my entire life.

Something that I have finally destroyed utterly and totally. It may have taken somebody to say it to me to ake me realise it. But I'm still like \o/ (thats e throwing my arms into the air in joy haha)

till next time =D

ps: I'm still sorry Bob ;D

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Short post

Hey have work in a few hours so I'm gona keep this pretty short.

First of all I'm not fucking tired but I'm gona try and get some sleep anyway in a wee bit.

Second I hate going into work without sleeping, my internal clock is gona be fucked haha.

Third I dont have any fags >.< those are cigarettes btw

Fourth my boss has it in her head that I want work so she has let several of the full time staff take holidays, she couldnt be more wrong haha I'm a lazy bastard and love sitting around doing fuck all. She also thinks that I like to work seperate days and not alot together which is also shite... I'm gona have to say it to her :\

Last I lost a follower do I bore ye that much O.o

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm still like O.O

Got a 2.2 or an average between 60-64.9% in my college exams GO ME =D Fucking rocking good news that was, I really really thought I did badly in one of them. Must be better at learning than think hehe.

I failed one subject in my first semester, dont worry didnt have anything to do with my actual course. It was a complete and utter waste of time that still pisses me off when I think about it. The fact that the lecturer was a thundering bitch also made me hate it even more >:( but anyway I had to repeat it during my second semester and I got a much fairer lecturer and even though some of the people in my group were a bunch of wankers and did fuck all. I'm confident, in fact I'm sure that I did very well in the reapeat... BUT the fuckholes that are the examintions board didnt allocate the marks.

So as it stands I have all of my credits bar one subject and I'm hoping that that subject, stupid though it may be will bring up the next few percent to give me a 2.1 which would be EPIC :)

Thats me done for now, will be blogging again soon. Take care :)


Friday, June 26, 2009

gah almost fucking shat myself for nothing...

Well the title is a bit odd but let me explain. I thought my exam results were out today but there wasnt an email from the examinations board in my student email :o so I had a minor panic attack buut thrn I realised that they are out tomorrow =D

The extensions getting tiled now :) cant wait to see the new kitchen thats going in it'l be mint I say.;D

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lazy much?

Well its half 3 in the afternoon and while most people are having lunch I'm having my breakfast... Summer holidays rock =D Still havent got a call from work yet so dunno when I'm going in. Dont mind tho my new computer is a monster and I've been sorta glued to it the last few days :) in fact I'm gonna start playing that as soon as I finish posting.

So I'm still sorta sleepy while writing this I was ke up by listening to Trance etc on loud hehe... How do you add youtube videos haha (^^,) wish I could show ye the shit that I listen too =P

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

About my last post

It was rather short because one of my brothers came home, so i was like fuuuuck and turned off internet explorer and deleted my internet history in the time it takes to sneeze. Oh in case you didnt know he doesnt know that I'm bi and to be honest I cant see myself telling him or anyone I know in lets say the next 2 or 300 years :\

Which is really bugging me but as I said in an earlier post its just something that I cant make myslef do. I know there are a million reasons to do and not to it, but what I'm most afraid of is that silence after you initially tell someone something like that... eeek even thinking about is making me feel sick.

So anyway part from work and all the regular stuff that life has to offer (sleeping, eating etc..) I've not been doing a lot thats interesting lately. Back to boring old me hehe =P

Did go to one of my friends mothers birthday parties the other day which was ok I guess. The older crowd were locked (drunk) seeing as they had polished off about 15 bottles of wine between them, we had to do wine run for them before we started drinking as we were the only sober onesin the house hehe. Had my first gin and tonic there too which tastes like shite had to force myself to drink the fucking thing, so I guess I did learn something :\ the party was ok but I was a little quiet so much so that one of my friends asked me if I was ok.

I was kinda like O.o "What you on about?" he just said "You seem sorta quiet, you ok like?" Now that was strange but I was just bored with the topic of conversation at the time. Fuck I would have given my left leg for something to have caught fire outside and provide some form of entertainment... I really was that bored lol. A few of the older crowd at the party were in such a state that they did provide some entertainment for a while but there's only so much you can laugh at somebody that's hammerred before you go "Hey! Fuck off"

Oh I do have a question to ask ye, whats the legal drinking/smoking age where ye live. Used to be 16 here back in the stoneage but now its 18.... Had me waiting for years the bastards >:( oh and some off licenses "Reserve the right to refuse service" the CUNTS!!! If they think you might supply alcohol to the younger generation... Which is a load of shite imo but anyway.

So until something mental happens dont expect to be amazed here =P

Over and out

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Howdy =D

Hey not posted in yonks :\ my bad, but I'm here again now. Not really been busy either well unless you can count obscene amounts of computer being busy (^^,)

And also the fact that I've done bougger all so I havent really had anything worth posting about either. Just said I'd write this for everyone out there who's lending me their ear :)

And I'm really glad to see that mboys back :) loved his blog and was like :( when he said he was leaving and was like :( everyday I signed in and he hadn't posted but he has now so wOOt =)

Have been working a good bit which can contribute to me being a lazy shite, I'm lazy on a good day, after work haha... well lets say I'm slightly worse =P

Sunday, June 14, 2009

mmm Sleep

Havent posted in the last few days cos of work o.o it really fucks up my internal clock, the fact that I'm doing nothing for ages tends to make me sleep in late and then I get a call to go to work at 7 in the morning :\ that usually means I dont get any sleep before it. Came home from work on Friday and was in bed asleep by 8 pm haha and then I woke at about 1 in the morning and couldnt get back to sleep again and had work again so I was in bits yesterday.

Fell asleep on the couch when I got in the door, cousins called over -.- and were bugging the shite outta me, one likes to play my mums piano but she's really good at it so its not too bad least she's not mashing the keys, while the other is incapeable of turning the volume on my computer down and when a gun battery on a ship fires off 60 cannons it can be quite loud hehe. But after they left anyway I was desperate for sleep, my brain was screaming at me "go to BED" but I knew if I did I'd only wake up in the morning and be back to square one again. So I stayed awake till 12, went to be and fell into acoma woke up at 3 pm the next day haha. My Dad was drilling n hammering in the rooms below me all morning cos he's putting in the wiring and piping for our new kitchen.

He actually came up and woke me up himself because he thought I was gonna be there all day hehe. Anyway things are going fine atm just did two days in work so I wont be back for another few days and my computer is working so I have something to keep me occupied woot =D

The quiz that I went to on Thursday was a blast and we raised 540 euro for my friend to take with her and help build shit wherever she's going cant remeber, was hammered when she told me lol. Was a great night anyway tho pub was packed and most importantly it didnt rain :o

Oh I have a question, Ireland has a smoking ban in its pubs and places of work right now. Basicly no smoking in any indoor public buildings anymore. Being a smoker people would expect me to not like it, but I dont mind it I think its a great idea, it stops buildings from reeking of smoke and more importantly stops people breathing in second hand smoke which is just as bad as the regular crap. Is there anything like this in where you live? What do you think about it? Would you like it to be brought in?

See ye all later, Im off to blow things up :)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gah the house is fucked

Construction site indeed, running water from the bathroom, kettle + fridge out in the shed haha and its gonna be like this for a good while oh and now dishwasher so my evil rental units (well not really) have me on dishwashing duty the bastards.

We still have to do plastering, tiling, piping and electrics... Think I'm gonna have to give a hand with the tiling and its a big room :\ worst of all though is that my mums a hoarder so the kitchen was packed full of useless shit that she's never going to use but she's still like 'NOO I nEEEEd it' I mean FFS you mongo get a skip and bin the lot of it its all shite haha (making sure to recycle what you can mind you).

Oh man I have a tough life :( I'm off to the pub in an hour or so to go to another fundraiser..... =D should be good craic I'd say. I'l tell ye bout it later :)

bye for now


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The fucking thing is working no shutdowns WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 2 grands worth of computer equipment just waiting to rape the games market I cant wait >:) downloading games of steam now.... Havent played computer in fucking ages only have a few games for my xbox cod4 which I've beaten six ways from sunday and gow1 + 2 which I have also beaten six ways from sunday haha.

Fuck me if you could see the fucking grin I have on my face now =D

Rather pleased atm although I did get roped into fucking helping with the building grrr, I do get to kick the crap out of our old kitchen so its not all bad ;D

arg I just saw the download rate I'm getting atm..... 5% left and its going at 243 kb/s thats gonna be fucking ages :( oh ya btw did I mention I'm an impatient bastard... I want it NOOOW >.<


Talk to ye all again gluck *waves*



My new computer is fucked, think I put it together wrong or applied the thermal paste to the back of the processor wrong or something like that, bottom line it keeps shutting down whenever stress is put on the processor and I go >.< every single time. The sodding thing cost 2,000 euro's and well I'm slightly annoyed haha. What even worse te pillocs at the site I orderred it from are about as helpfull as a bag of turnips.... I sent them a webnote and got back a reply to which I went "yes I know that the problem HOW DO I FIX IT" -.- well I didn't send that to them but thats what I was thinking

My house is a fucking building site atm, we're getting an extension and moving or kitchen around and few other things and I cant wait for it to be finished I'l look mint I'd say. But until then we have no central heating and our fridge is out the back garden in my Dads shed haha. Whats worse aswell is the guys that are building it can only come around once or twice every two weeks. My Dad's doing most of the re-wiring, plumbing and all that but he's leaving the actual construction, structural stuff and demolition to a group of fella's he knows.

There a massive trench going through the kitchen atm which is gona be for the new heating pipes and all that but while digging it they found a mouses nest... in the middle of a solid concrete floor O.o how the fuck he got in there I have no idea the mouse was right next to the heating pipes, likes his comforts the little shit hehe.

Anyways thats me done for today my uncle who's an electrical engineer ( you may bow to his title now ) is calling over later to see if he can help me sort out my pc. Whats even better is he works with an IT company so fingers crossed =D

See ye later :)


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just read cvn's post

Jesus that news is soo bad, I mean christ like its fucking horrible.

I suppose I should tell ye why that blog hit me like a brick...

My best friend was killed when I was 15, he was run over by a taxi when he was crossing a motorway. His family are still fucked I mean his parents were odd to begin with but they took a massive hit from it, his Dad took early retirement and well his mum's a nervous wreck now. He was only 14 when it happened so that understandable and well I'm not going to lie to ye I was in shock, we had buried another family member the same year and withing 2 months of that my grandad and my gran aunt who I was very close to died aswell... so needless to say that was a complete cunt of a year. The only time I cried was when I saw my oldest brother coming out of my grandads bed room crying his eyes out (he was living at home) after my dad had just told him that he probably wouldnt be around for much longer.

Thats probably one of the worst memories I have from my teens and I wish I could erase it from my mind, but anyway my friend was dead, gone just like that. I was at home when it happened and his brother came over to our house and said
"He's been hit by a car"
fucking bang just like that my heart sank and I sat down on the stairs head in my hands wishing with every single ounce of my being that he would be ok that this was all just a bad dream and wasnt hapening. But it was and I knew what I had to do, some of the girls we knew were having a sleepover in a house a few minutes away from mine, I left my house and ran, ran as fast as my fucking legs could carry me to the house. I had to talk to them, tell them what was going on.

When they saw me banging on the window their faces went gray they knew something bad was after hapening. I told them, I almost felt like throwing up I was in shcok my mind was numb and my heart was feeling the worst pain I have ever known in my life. The girls were just as bad talking in hushed voices tears welling in their eyes it was horrible. I went home and was staning in the hall when I heard the door bell ring, that was his brother coming to tell me that my best friend was ok... I opened the door and he said

"He didnt make it" tears streaming down his face.

I was just standing there eyes and mouth wide open not really sure what to do, my heart was beating so fast I could hear it pounding in my ears, I talked with him for a bit and he left crying and walked back to his house. I went to the girls house and told them, one of the most awfull sounds I have in my head to this day was holding them close to me as they cried... it felt so bad but at least I was there with them and we were all there for each other.

The funeral was horrible I was standing there arm around a friend from our gang who was crying I just hugged him and told him that he could talk to me if there was anything he needed. Inside I was in bits, just an empty shell of who I was the day before I was numb, hadnt eaten in days and wanted to wake up from this what was probably the worst time of my life. But my friends needed me and I was dammed if I wasn't going to offer my shoulder to anyone who needed it.

I still havent cried about that or any of the other deaths to this day, the only time I did the entire time I told ye about earlier, I think there's only so much your heart can take before it tells life to go and get fucked.... didn't even cry while typing but I'm glad that I told ye about this I wanted to for soo long but I didnt want to just post it out of the blue. Hearing about what hapenned I realised I could share a part of my life that I have never talked about with anyone.

RJ I know you cant hear me but you hang in there ok dont give up and never stop fighting for your life. I'm wishing with every ounce of my sould that you will be ok....

I'l check back in a bit to see how he got on

Bye for now


Monday, June 8, 2009

hello again =P

Sorry I've not posted in a while :\ been a bit down lately, my computers fucked (the new one) had to build it myself well my friend did but there's something wrong with the processor that coupled with the fact that I went into with no sleep made me feel a bit odd yesterday.

I mean really weird I knew something was wrong with me and I felt like I was slipping into one of my dark moods again which can really really fuck me up, but haha all's I needed was a good nights sleep and I feel grand again woooooot =D love being in a normal mood not going mad but ya know just chilled like a can of beer mmmmmmmm. Speaking of beer I'm gonna ring my friends in a min n see if they fancy coming up for a few beers, really bored atm and there's only so much internet tv you can watch before you start to turn into a mad raving loon... not that I would.... no honest :)

As I havent done anything the last few days so I think half my problem is just being plain bored out of my tree :(

and what is AJ up to haha he's made a trillion posts in under 2 days. Havent read em yet but I will soon :)

Oh and my computer is actually working like I can turn it on and it wont explode just I think I did the coolant wrong, so when ever the processor is put under stress it shuts itself down to protect itself. It's ridiculously underpowerred atm 7 of its 8 cores have been shut off and its running at less than half the speed that it should be at. Which when you are mega nerd ie: ME is very very annoying cos I cant use it for the reason I bought the sodding thing, computer games :(

But hey, dont have anything else going wrong with my life atm so I guess I should shut up and get on with it XD

Talk to ye soon


Friday, June 5, 2009

wooooo wooooo

More followers YAY always nice to know that a few more people are reading the shit that I'm spewing onto the web haha xD

The morning after the night before

Ugh my heads fucked, what a blast last night was though. Got a lift into town from one of the lads dads n we had to walk yes fucking walk through town dressed like complete morons. Passed a large hotel in the city that had a crowd of tourists with camera's aswell hehe, we should have stopped and let them take proper pictures but we didnt :( just wanted to get the fuck out of dodge ya know.

We stopped to talk to someone on the way in aswell one of the lads knew em n while we did the traffic lights on one of the bussiest streets in the city turned red -.- so there were about 60 plus cars full of people busting their arses laughing at us haha. Must have been rather unusual to see that at half 8 in the evening I felt rather stupid for a while standing around but then gradualy got used to looking like a moron hehe.

So anyway we got into the club which was pretty empty at this stage but it was still early and got right down to the important bit... the alcohol =D so anyway the club was great there were some nice outfits there too. I nearly pissed myself when four teletubbies walked in the door and had to and lean on something I was laughing so hard. Had my first yaeger bomb too o.o which is a shot of yaegermeister dropped into a glass of redbull and down the hatch in one, which is dangerous within minutes I was bouncing off the fucking walls. Redbull as I'm sure alot of people know is a ridiculously rich energy drink, in fact its soo bad I think they have to put warnings on the cans as it makes your heart go from 0 to 100 in under a miinute. It even fucked up my sleep last night I couldnt get to bed cos I was like O.O

Anyway danced and talked my hole off till 2 in the morning was hammered by now but I was ok, was drunk but wasnt too drunk ya know. But we had to leave the club anyway so we did about 5 or 6 of us in full get up walked down to one of the major takeaways in the city. We got plenty of attention, most of it pointing and laughing (^^,) didnt care by now though its all part of the fun. Got a big bag of chips anyway n was standning outside talking to a few people we went to school with, was nice to talk to em again. Havent seen some of em in 2 years so we were cathcing up :)
I dont really like standing around outside takeaways though as alot of people are morons and that one tends to be a hotspot for trouble, people brawling on the street and all that isnt really my kind of thing.

So we finished up our chips which took ages as we were talking the whole time and ran into some other people from school n were talking to them aswell, we were still having people walking up going " Love the outfits guys " which was all well and good haha. MUst have heard that about a thousand times. Got into a taxi anyway ya should have seen his face when we got in O.o I just said " fancy dress " n he was like " fair enough " then got dropped off after one of the other lads n walked through my park n got in home and then realised I had left my fucking fags in the taxi.... BOLLOCKS

So had to walk about a mile or so to the nearest 24 hour garage, may not seem like much but try doing that when your making figure of eights and not able to walk straight ;D got there anyway bought em and then went D: FOOOD so got a big mac too ate that they practically threw me out the door after I bought it because they were closing as if they ever close down mac donalds like ( ewww just sneezed all over my arm )and then I had the fun times of walking home.... I was soo tempted to find a nice garden and pan out, I was wrecked after my trip.

Got home and realised I had forgotten my keys -.- as it was now 4 o clock in the morning waking the rental units would have been a bad idea as I would have been hacked apart by an angry mother and beaten to death by my dad who had work in the morning. Had to go and find the spare one we keep which took fucking ages, also the fact that my brain was shutting down didnt help matters at all :\ found it and was like :D upstairs brushed my teeth and collapsed into bed, took a while to fall asleep though :(

Anyways had a great night and to make things even better my computer came yesterday :D although I had fuck all to do with building it my friend did that haha, it was just about one of the most painfull things I have ever had to watch. All the pushing and shoving going " get in there you bastard " *tap tap tap SMACK* made me feel ill. Those components are soo fucking fragile I thought I'd die.

Havent read any blogs yet today still rather hung over :s

Gluck anyway peeps :)


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My liver is going to hate me

Im going out to a fancy dress tomorrow, it is going to be epic. I was talked into it by my friends last night. See I'm not that much of a town person I do enjoy it when I'm there but I dont really like it that much, I prefer being in a gaf with friends and a few beers. But anyway afetr alot of convinving I eventually agreed to go, my friends were practically begging me to come. So instead of being a boring bastard I decided I would.

Got my costume and all 50 quid :O it looks pretty funny, I'm going as a medieval knight hehe even have a shitty plastic sword to go with it. I can guarantee somebody there will be a pirate and will need a swift slash or two from my deadly discount weapon =D I'd say it'l be a good laugh and whats more aswell is its a fundraiser for a friend of mine who's going abroad to Africa so not only do we have an axcuse to get drunk now we're doing it to help people which is nice ya know.

There's going to be aload of people there too, your one put it up on bebo and texted wveryone in her phone so the place will be packed. To tell the truth I'm kinda excited, my liver isnt though. It's going to get a sound beating =P

Part from that dont really have much to say except that the weather has been savage lately I think my post giving out about the shitty weather we were getting may have done some good maybe I should do it more often :) this is probably some of the best weather we've had here in eons... Last summer was a pile of ass really, to give an example how bad it was the rivers were higher in the summer than they were in the winter which is :o an EPIC fail of a summer (^^,)

Anyways I'l make a post tomorrow if I'm alive and tell ye all about my night :)

talk to ye soon


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

After the tins

K all of lads are gone. Bit mouldy now so bear with me...

We had a mega chat. I fucking love those, as I said to my friend " I hope I'm not boring you, ya know the lack of people drinking? " he replied " I'm drinking with my friends what more could I ask for " I went " awwwwww " in my head haha.

All of that to the side I came to the point where I was thinking about telling them that I like guys too as they were talking about guys being bi... and didnt really seem to care. I guess what I worried about was the initial " OH " that most people get.

I'm positive that my friends would accept me for who I am and wouldnt give a shit, but there's always the chance that makes me go :\ I would love to tell them, I really would, but being a complete and utter bitch I cant cant make myself say it no matter how hard I try.

Anyways that took a massive amount of my limited brain power ( drained by alcohol )
but I'l be back tomorrow dont worry.... I'm fucking starving atm and going to go and rape something in the fridge >:)

btw that took fookin ages to write so ya better fookin enjoy it....


Tinnies and thoughts

Going for cans later with a few of my mates in my house... A couple of em are being a right bunch gaylords and saying things like " I'm tired " now that really is no excuse just say your a lazy bastard and dont want to come out that would do fine.

Soooooo anyways email rocks btw I can track my order using it hehe, ya know smooth out my nerves. A buddy of mine got something in the post recently that arrived in several hundred pieces. The postman probably knew aswell made him sign the thing and legged it before he could open it to find out that what he had bought was now in half a million pieces inside the packaging. If that was me I would have had a shit attack, my friend was just like meh. I tried to convince him to write a 'nasty' email but he didnt want to. Because like a tool he had signed the thingy before he checked it... pilloc

Went into the bank today n when the bank teller was writing up the funds transfer document I was like D: *cringe* as I realised that was a fuckload of my money just leaving my account. And I still have fuck all to show for it haha. But it will be here soon and I cant wait :>

Ya know I'm still being mega silent about whats going on in my life atm with my friends, nobody even know's I have this and I'm covvering my tracks to the extent that I'm obliterating my internet history every time I sign off... man I feel like Jason Bourne doing shit like this, its kinda annoying ya know :( but at least I have people reading anyway so I guess thats a plus.

Thanks to everyone who's reading this and people who are following my silly little ramblings. I like blogging so much that I go "hmm that would make a nice blog now" =D
but eh short of going into personal details which I'm rather reluctant to release or some really really sad ones ( which people dont really need atm, some of ye are unhappy enough right now and need cheering up so I'l leave them out for now ) ya know about coping with family shit and all that. I'm not really sure what I can write... Dont worry I finished the leaving cert so I should be able to make a fucking cupcake sound awesome (^^,)

I'l think of some stuff to include that ye might find interesting or funny.

Anyways thats me done for now

gluck peeps :)


Monday, June 1, 2009

me = moron

haha ya I thought it was the matt that I knew who was leaving ROFL.... anyways bye to the other matt even if I dont know him :(

Orderred my computer, but I'm sure I got shafted the dirty bastards. Today as in 7 o clock(ish) the price was coming to about 1540 strling and when I went to order it was 1660 O.O I mean fuck off like, thats fucking madness. That meant that a system that should have cost 1800 has now gone to about 1950 in the space of a few minutes dirty bastards.

They are going to get an email with me going *bitch moan bitch moan* tomorrow. But mainly I just want to know how the fuck they can justify that. I think I know what it might be tho, I was using some offers that brought down the prices of a few items I was buying and maybe because I orderred it late on Monday the offers are no longer valid... SHIT >.<

But meh I suppose I could be sent much worse problems than that so *slap* shut up and get on with it haha. It should be arriving before the weekend which means I'l be up and running by saturday =D

bye matt

Um I'm still a bit puzzled. Read Cvn's blog if your wondering what I'm on about. Matt's gonna leave blogger :(

I barely even know you but you were the first person to comment me :) for whats its worth Matt look after yourself.

I might make another post later, still a bit confused atm lol.

Oh and jeremy, I was talking to Bob when I joined for a bit via email. He told me to get on msn aswell. But I've opted not to, for the time being anyway, I just dont feel up to it. Hope you can understand and even if you dont I hope you can be patient at least. I cant really explain it but there's something in my mind just telling me not to ( I know this may sound a bit odd haha ) and until it stops I probably wont go onto msn. In fact being perfectly honest I dont even know if I ever will go onto msn, but I might ya never know. Sure I did do well in maths when I was leaving school and that was just short of a miracle O.O

I'l more than likely be oredering my computer today. Provided I can talk my dad into handing over his credit card and letting me charge 1.5 K sterling to it ( should be a piece of piss ) except for one thing. He has a massive fear of the internet and anything computer related... its kinda funny really but he frankly doesnt have a clue whats going on when he sits down in front of a computer let alone when I'm putting a huge fuck off charge to his account. As most of ye know Ireland was a bit 1800's when he was growing up. I reckon I'l be able to talk him into it. Ye'l probably find out in the next hour if I did, as I'm either gonna post a big YEEEEESSS or a big NOOOOOOOOOOO (^^,)

talk to ye in a bit


Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm going to war

Right thats it I'm going to tear the fucking house apart and find the little shit.

I just got fucking bitten by another mozzie I'm going to find the little bastard and fuck him up HE'S GOING DOWN >:)

man its soooo fucking itchy too, I wana scratch it sooo bad :\

Bored to death

Its 2.15 and I dunno what to do haha. I was waiting for my dad to get off the computer so I could use it. When he was done I was like woot but now that I have it I dont really know what to do (^^,)

So I guess thats why I'm on here posting. Oh add meeeee and comment like mad too, I love reading peoples thoughts and reactions to my various antics hehe.

I just spent the last 5 minutes chasing a fucking mozzie around the room, dirty little bastard bit me >:( and now its really itchy grrrrrrr. Also made me spill tea all over my monitor the bellend.

What I could try is to get a better score on arcade mode in cod4, been playing the mission in the town where you have to defend it and then run back down the sodding hill o.o yes thats while a zillion loons with guns are trying to blow you away. Got 900 K or there abouts on veteran =D didnt die either. Still havent beaten the mile high vlub mission on veteran.... because its insane. I mean its almost impossible to do.

Its a bank holiday tomorrow which means I'l probably have to wait till tuesday to order my computer. I really really really cant fucking wait... imagine it I could have crysis by next week :O

Just a question but what sorta games if any do you guys like? I love rts's and shoot em ups fear and the total war series come to mind mmmm. I never really liked sports games at all which is fine cos I cant play em in real life anyway haha.

see ye around =D


BSE burgers and beer.

Hey peeps :) man was yesterday epic or what went into work, didnt sleep either so I was in zoombie mode but it was grand ya know I survived =D well it went fine and I got picked up after n went shopping for some beers.

Why I hear you ask, well the weather was awesome yesterday, as in so good I think somebody moved the country south a few thousand miles. But anyway a few of my friends rang me during work and asked if I'd like to for a barbeque at one of their gafs. Even though I knew I'd be wrecked I was like ya sure. So I was buying beer for that anyway on the way home. I was in a really weird mood, wrecked because I hadnt had sleep in ages and excited cos I was going out otp (on the piss).

So anyway got home, changed and out the gap. There was only a few of us there at first but a few more people turned up and things started getting lively. I really dont know why the lads wanted a bbq as they cant cook for fuck. I actually had dinner in work and was sooo thankfull that I wasnt relying on the BSE burgers the lads were attempting to cook.

Before they started cooking they had to get a fire going, which needs fuel (not petrol now ffs) which means chopping wood n getting coal n all that. But whats a bad idea giving a fella thats drinking an axe. One of the lads who had turned up only about five minutes earlier was lucky he didnt lop his fucking hand off... Yes he was a complete pilloc and was holding the wood with his left hand while chopping with his right. I told my mum earlier she was like :o , was pissing myself laughing while doing it too. You had to be there there was blood pissing outta his hand but he was just screaming and calling himself a moron so we knew he was ok he just needed stitches. Two hours later he came back from A n E n proceded to get locked over the next few hours.

Anyways after that some food and a load of beers we were upstairs in yer mans room its big and has a pool table :D we were blaring music, talkin shite and all that. When yer man comes up with an ice cold litre of vodka and a few cans of redbull. I didnt really want to drink vodka I was half cut already and cos I was tired I though it would fuck me up. He handed me a glass saying participation wasnt optional, shut up and drink. I did a quick mental check in my mind as in going "Can you handle this to my body" which replied "CHUG CHUG CHUG" so I drank up hehe. Was glad I did too cos it was epic fun.

We were all wankerred at this stage n having a great time. Well I was anyway n all the lads seemed to enjoy it too. What was good was I soent most of the time doing what I love laughing my fucking hole off, then doing something stupid to make people laugh, then laughing at myself =D

All in all a good night spent in the company of a pack of morons just after getting their summer holidays :) and enjoying life. I love my friends to pieces I really do its nights like that make living life which can be pretty shit at times bearable. Atm my life is awesome on the scale of awesomeness.

Thanks to anybody reading my blog, people who have subbed n people who are trying to get me more readers :) I love being able to write stuff down like this. N say "there ya go, what dya think" dont really know why but I guess I love telling people what I do and hopefully make em laugh while doing it.

This was written with the mother of all hangovers in my head so bear with me hehe.

Anyways its almost 6 o clock better get outa bed haha (me = lazy)

talk to ye again


Friday, May 29, 2009


Its quarter past one in the morning and I have work in a few hours. Man work is gonna fuck me up, I'l come out like a zombie. Gotta say though I am looking forward to going back if anything it'l sort out my fucked up internal clock haha.

A buddy of mine is having a party tomorrow too I'm gonna go I'l probably be half comatosed hehe, but I'l get too meet a few friends that I havent seen in a while so how bad like.

I would dearly love to tell ye about where I work but I'm not supposed to talk about it. Plus I'd be as good as killing what annonimity I have and we cant be having that now can we ;D

Thats me done for now

Talk to ye again soon =D


Thursday, May 28, 2009


the suns coming up now, man my internal clock is fucked <.<

useless piece of shit >.<

*takes out clock smashes it off the table*

still fucked :(

A little more about me

Hey all know a couple of you are having a bad time atm :( much hugs to help ya get past your troubles *hugs* :)

I realised I havent told ye a whole lot about me so here goes

I love animals, I am the proud owner of a huuge dog. Who is so big that when she sits down she's actually looking right into your dinner plate haha, good as gold though and she's very affectionate n luvs cuddles too =D can go absolutly mental though when ya come home. Her usual greeting is coming down the hall like a polaris missile on speed and raming into your legs and then she squeaks and whines like a mad thing haha. Ignoring her is the last thing that you want to do hehe it'l only make her worse.

Dont do drugs, never have never will.

I'm rather destructive, when I was a kid I used to take these really crappy tiny metal cars into the garage and beat the absolute crap outta then with a hammer. My mum saw me doing it before and was like o.o " What the fuck is wrong with you? " still dont really have an ansewer for that one haha.

I have unreal parents, Mum's a bit mad at times haha n my Dad is still basicly a child, complete messer ya know.

I have 2 brothers both older than me, they're great. Two of the best people I know and I would follow them to hell and back if I had too.

As you may already know I'm a bit of a nerd, I dont fit the standard profile of one hehe. I have been gaming for three quarters of my life and once I started I knew I found the thing for me. Love warhammer, stargeate, star trek, star wars, sci fi and fiction books.

I have a big bunch of friends that I've known since I was a kid who are great dont know where I'd be without them.

I'm rather shy at times, which is why I havent talked to any of ye on msn yet. Give me time ya never know ;D

I have very short temper 99% of the time.

I have done things in my life that I'm not proud of.

I generally think I'm a good person though.

I love laughing myself stupid, and love making other people laugh too.

I'm generally a happy person although like everyone I do have bad moments and like a moron generally never seek any help from any of my friends to help deal with any of them. I know they would help too but I dont like being vulnerable.

I have never got an A in a test in school or college :(

I believe that maths was made by the devil to torture people like me.

Study :\ generally I suck at it :(

I count myself very lucky to be where I am at the moment, working and in college ( well not right now =P ) as last year was a completely different story. I even remember one of my friends saying "Your after starting a new chapter in your life now arent you" If only he knew I mean really, I was in a bad place last year and I knew my mum and dad were worried about me. I came close to getting chucked out of my house, which wouldn't have been good at all. It was just a bad time in my life though I have had worse.

I hate to see people upset and generally make a complete arse out of myself whenever I try to help them, ya know making absolutely no sense at all and getting the o.o bug eyes back. Which does sorta help them I suppose as it generally makes tham laugh which is good :) at my expense though haha.

Im rather bad at explaining things sometimes (^^,) hope that doesnt effect my blogging :\

I love smiley faces =D and have even put them into emails to some of my lecturers and almost put one into a report to one of my lecturers who I could only describe as a thundercunt -.- needless to say she would have fucked me up if I had left it in.

I love reading in bed.

I can hold extreeme hatred for people at times, intense like O.O but over a short time this will fade.

I have often wonderred what does my future hold for me, if I could know I probably would. I'd like to be one step ahead of the game... ie: knowing lottery numbers, who wins what that sorta stuff ya know =P

There are times I have thought that I would be capeable of great evil, but I sorta realised I wouldn't because I stepped on a snail the other day and went :(

I talk to myself alot.

I dont know why people come on holiday to Ireland really I dont.

I do like being Irish though :)

My favorite colour is green.

I like techno electroica n all that type of music the most. I do listen to most types though, I'd describe it as I wouldn't turn it off if it came on the radio as I generally dont mind what I listen too. I dont like it when wankbots change away from songs I like at freegafs ( house parties ) it makes me want to injure them.

I have been asked " Hey do you know where we can find any leprachauns? " O.O yes little green men live on this island and keep hoards of gold in little pots at the end of rainbows <.< yes we as a species are FUCKED !_!

I hate proof reading btw so ya better facking enjoy this >.< and if I did miss anything mention it and die slowly -.-

hmmm I guess thats enough for now. To all of my new followers hello there :) hope ye enjoy my blog.

Once again to everbody having a rough time :( I wish I could help. Hopefully I gave you a chuckle or two :)

anyways thats me done

gluck =]


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Bored :(

Tried to watch the new terminator movie online, but it was filmed by some fuck tard with a video camera. Which was crap the sound was shite, the image quality was shite too.

Need to sort out some stuff

1. Credit Card, I'm working and dont have one, cos my bank are a shower of wankers

2. Some new clothes, summer and I have a bit of cash so why not like =P

3. Computer, still havent even ordered my new comp so its now gona be a week minimum before I get it

4. Theres probably some other stuff I need to put on here and my minds gone blank argh >.<

I also dont know which blog to read now, theres millions of them <.<

Oh btw did anyone see k's post possibly the worst news Ive heard in a long time :(

A bit more on last nite

Well I'm sitting around with fuck all to do so I might aswell talk a wee bit more and bore ye to death :D The club was great (probably the 50th time I have said that now) but the dj was rubbish at times. The way they make their own mixes of songs can sometimes piss me off, they were simply horendous I mean just no like.

On the dance floor at one point I remember just stopping and going O.o the fuck is he trying to mix those two songs for? Has he lost his mind? Actually saying that now I'm listening to some tripe on youtube haha. Dont mind tho, just glad I didnt pay for it ;D

Oh the bouncers in there were fucking huge bastards, like stop and stare big most of them so I was on my best behaviour. Blue shirts with STAFF on the back of them haha bad ass. I was going to the smoking area and I saw them man handling a guy and firing him out the door, n then they went back on 'patrol' basicly looking for somebody else to fuck up.

We were sitting down for a while but we would of course have to get seats right under a speaker the size of a family car. The fucking thing was soo loud, I mean my ears O.O shit thought they were going to explode. One of the lads in the class that I thought would be a good laugh to go out on the piss with ended up getting himself into some form of depression and staring at his phone all night, ya know girlfried troubles and all that as in he wants one and doesnt have one. Poor guy :(

God still feel rough tho, 4 o clock and I still havent eaten anything, can happen sometimes yer stomach is still going 'OW OW OW' from the night before. And we're out of my usual cure for it... NO SOUP :<

Anyways enough about that I'm sure ye dont really care haha.

Hmm most of my friends will be finishing up in the next day or so I'l more than likely have to on the raz again. God Iv'e a hard life dont I =D

I'l probably be reading a good few blogs today so I'l talk to ye laters :)


Hangovers = BAD

Right well erm hi I guess hehe =P oh and I hate hangovers >.<>
Oh man last nite was great got smashed first of all haha n was my first time out clubbing with guys from my class too. I have been out to the pub with them n stuff but I generally dont really like town, and tbh I dont really know why O.o I mean I had a laugh, got pissed, got take away after what more do you want? But meh I'l probably tell ye bout that some other time.
On to last nite
So got dropped out to student accomodation ( I'm living about 15 mins away from college so get to stay home and be well fed :) ) and went up to one of the lads places. A few people who I didnt know we're there n usually I'm rubbish at talking to randomers but as you can probably see I was in a rather good mood yesterday so making sense wasnt high on my list of priorities so I was going like a moped for a while haha.
What did kinda fuck me off was the fact that we were meant to be going down to the pub at 8, I didnt have any alcohol in me yet and didnt buy any as I thought we were going down to the pub. But oh did the girls have better ideas or what.... lets spend an hour and a half dicking around with our hair like the hooting dickholes we are. So i the end we got down to the pub at 5 to fucking 10 :(
I mean get fucked like. Pack of wankers wasting so much fucking time, thats probably the best thing about being male... we dont fuck about when getting ready for things like that. We have the 3 S's shit, shower, shave and out the door =D Most people will do more than that ya know brushing teeth n some other stuff but that would fuck up the whole s thing we have going on :)
Wasnt too bad tho, pub was nice if a little coverred in beer. Some of the people in there were fucking wasted already which I thought was kinda funny. One fella did the usual and tried to sit the wrong way on a chair fell off, landed on his ass, sent a nearby table coverred in drinks flying and told the guys who's drinks he'd knocked to go fuck themselves ( probably a bit a dick ya know ) so anyway we were sitting in the pu having a couple of drinks talking away. And I asked one of the lads " whats the story with *a guy in my class* is he gay or what? " see I had heard them talking to him bout it n all that but I never really believed it because well he doesnt really seem to fit the profile of one, if you saw him you would think the exact same thing too believe me.
The guy I asked turned n looked at me O.o "you dont know? "
"Na I'm asking for the laugh, what the fuck do you think"
"Fair enough haha, ya he is came out ages ago even got a boyfriend and everything"
By this stage I couldnt believe what I was hearing and my eyes were like O.O I had known him for a year and never thought about it, I had even heard him having the piss taken outta him ( nothing bad now, these people are actually his friends ) and him giving as good as he got. Still I didnt suspect a fucking thing haha. Guess I just dont really care one way or the other.
Got a bus organised for us by the student union ( awww arent they great ) only problem now was you had 60 very wasted 18 - 20 year old morins in a very small space. The noise on the bus was unreal they were chanting and beating the shit outta the roof of the bus ( wasted like I said ) even some of the ladies were at it too haha. Got into town anyway with my ears about to start bleeding from that pack of crazies.
Went into the club which was huge btw and just set about doing the normal club things drinking talking checking out a few people. For the first time in ages I wasnt looking at guys actually cos some of the girls in there were fucking roasting hot I mean D: ya should have seen them. Wasnt actually lookin for a score tho wasnt really in the mood for chasing somebody all night ya know.
So all in all a good night. I was able to find my way home after the taxi dropped me off haha, love walking home through my park when I'm drunk so I usually get dropped off outside it on the main road. I'm probably gona forget something so if I think of any more things to add I'll chuck em into a second post
Anyway I'l make a second post about this as theres a few things I left out. Dont wana be here all morning told my buddy I'd call over to his house in a while.
oh and to quote Mel Gibson " FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM " and I'm loving every second of it.
There's probably half a zillion typo's in that but I really couldnt be botherred reading over it all again
Gluck anyways gotta run :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


btw rage is another way of saying LETS GO FUCKING MENTAL =D scoffing down my dinner n have to go n have a wash and then its off to the the pub for a few scoops with the class. Cant wait woot woot !!!!

Cant wait :) oh and it feeeeels unreal to be off... finally *gasps*

see ye round anyway


Monday, May 25, 2009


Right as I type it is 19:38 which means my final exam is almost here :o to tell the truth I'm not all that worried about it anymore I'm fucking buzzing right now, I just cant wait to finish =] and I know when it does the planets can re-align and I can get back to being regular me ( ie playing computer games and wasting my own time) as I wont be distracted by going FACK TEST : \

I feel fucked up at the same time tho as I havent played any form of computer game in days, I'm doing it to myself as I get rather distracted if I get into them haha.

The test is on a bit too early for my taste tho half one :( so I have to be woken up really really early and then have to get a lift there from some one else. Which is a massive pain once again because it is so early :( well... really its because there is a mandatory piss up after with the class that I dont intend on missing and I know I'm gonna be knackerred for it. All that aside I do intend to get wasted tho =D

So if you get a blog from me tomorrow, expect it to be the mad and insane ramblings of a man drunk on freedom. Tomorrow I shall be free for three months... and I'm gonna go apeshit when I get it >:)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gonna write this down so I dont forget

Been reading a few more random blogs and the one that I am currently following for the last 2 hours

It made me think of the way I warm to people and what make me go oh I like that. I'm gonna write down what came to mind now cos its possibly the best explanation I have

I have a very wierd way of doing this, so bear with me here

Firstoff almost every single guy I have been with have been friends, good friends too. That was when I was alot younger than I am now. So that led to alot of confusion in my younger years <.< and it was always at the back of my mind

Girls well I have also been with a few of them and whats odd was that I did enjoy enjoy I mean I was like beaming after a few of them, ya should have seen me haha. One of the girls I knew really well and some of the others were just some random mauls in town which is alwasy great ya know, no questions asked see ya later business.

Another thing is every single girl that has ever been interested in me I have pretty much ran away from. Some just co I wanted to puke on them pure manky ones brrr, some of the others though I really dont know why I didnt take them up on it.

Then we come to what happens when I get an enfatuation with a girl, I mean like bad. Had one before when I was younger. I practically worshipped the ground she walked on but when I realised she wasnt interested I was devastated like proper "ah fuck that, fuck this, in fact fuck the whole lot of em... " slight over reaction on my part =D

Guys then well that was tucked away after my last few things had finished up. Went to town with a few friends sometime in the recent past. Went into a place that has a gay club downstairs and a themed club upstairs. As they are the only busy ones the day we went in.

(By the way I was like O.O they're doing it in the street 2 guys O.O I cant fucking believe it. Was just a bit of a shcok as it was the first time I had seen it)

Both are under totally different management but are in the same large building so its really simple for people to move between them. Was in the smoking area upstairs, when some guy walks up and starts talking to me. Being a polite person I was talking back and didnt really think much of it until he gropped me.. where isnt important. But he did and left his hand there too thinking he had just found someone for the night, and do you want to know what my reaction was...

I stared at him put on my evil eyes o.o and said "Take that fucking hand off me before I break your arm" He backed off apologised and left. Why I did that I have no idea as that was the first time somebody who wasnt a friend had shown any interest in me and I basicly told him to go fuck himself.

I do fancy quite a few guys and he didnt look all that bad either, its just I think I wasn't prepared for it, if one the guys I fancy did that I'd have dived on him =D but because I didnt know who he was I once again like I have always done when it comes to things like this

RAN with my tail between my legs. Well I didnt do the running but you get the general idea.

So anyway that another revelation for me :D

tell me what ye think about it


Some random facts

I'm 5'10 or 5'11 ish. Didnt have a measuring tape handy ya know.

Slimish build, even tho I'm in no way an athlete haha

Bi, my head still goes " What the FUCK are you doing writing that down for you moron?" whenever I write that. It is getting easier tho which is good

Usually I have really short hair but some times I let it go wild (^^,) generally its a darkish brownish colour not too sure really

Lazy as sin, seriously you have to see it to belive it, for example today I got up at 4pm... and ya know whats even better I dont care :D

You may have noticed that I like sleeping in... so I hate getting up early for anything. Which is still why I think I didnt enjoy school a whole lot cos its on early. School at 6 pm FTW!!!!

Definatly a night person

I drink, well I could hardly call myself Irish if I didnt ya know =P not all the time and most of the times not even every week

I also smoke :( alot too and its only getting worse :(( started when I was about 14 or 15 so have been at it for a good bit, if I was asked now why I started I wouldnt actually be able to give an ansewer. Because I dont really know why I did

I'm very superstitious

I absolutly hate to fail at anything, give myself a very hard time if I do :( thats another reason why I dont like sports I cant stand losing at them

I have a licencse for a biike but I dont drive, scared the absolute shit out of myself the first time I was on it. Nearly ploughed into the side of some bellend that didnt see me, when he did he stopped in the middle of the road (i was going neoowmm and he decided now would be a good time to turn to turn) O.O christ I thought I was dead lamped on the brakes and came to a stop about 3 feet away from the car. The whole time the mong was just looking at me after he made made as good a roadblock as is possible without actually meaning too

I really like swearing :D

Not a picky eater at all and keep myself well fed (most of the time) and generally eat all the right stuff too. When I have tests I tend to get worried :( and cant stomach a fraction of what I would normally eat

I love really really bad jokes. Ya know the type of ones that make you go *groan* heres a few of em to finsih up

How did Noah drive his arc at night?

He used floodlights of course... oh god <.<

What do you get from scared cows?


Ya know the way you need a Visa to enter a country? Could ya not just hand them a mastercard instead..... there is truly no saving me >:)

feel free to comment and I would like to thank matt for adding me too :) and Bob for emailing me with a few pointers :)

till the next time



Well the test is almost here but I'm feeling more confident about it now, decided to bite the bullet stop complaining and search through the notes... haha which may seem and obvious thing to do but if I dont find something fast I tend to throw my hands up in the air and go "ah F**k it its hopeless.... Im doomed"

Well spent a few hours doing study over the last few days and have most of the important parts done which has done wonders for my mental state :D I tend to get really worried about exams which is understandable. I just tend to let my thoughts gnaw at my brain alot more than most hehe =P

I'l add some random facts later on

and start linking to more blogs and editing my profile as I find out how to do it

bye for now


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mothers <.<

I think everybody knows what I'm going to say haha, christ ya cant fault them for trying tho really can you? Why did I bring this up? I'l tell ya then.

Being having a real fun time trying to get to sleep at proper times lately so my mum decided to wake me up with a cup of tea at one o clock ( sure god love her ;D ) to make sure that I dont sleep in and all that. However after a while I got onto talking about college and how I think I'm more than likely going to fail one of the modules that I have, not a really hard one more epic lazyness on my part. But still the notes that we have for it arent great either and in fairness to the lecturer he did give us tutorial sheets, but as we were spoiled by one of the other lecturers and given solutions to these tutorials, me being a mong got to wondering why the other lecturer didnt give us them :( which got me rather annoyed n I told my mum this morning ( well it was morning to me anyway ) which then led to an argument about how her and my dad were worried about me.

I really couldnt believe what she was sayig as what I'm doing now is a million times better than last year ya know the whole working and in college thing. Last year I was in college for 3 months and dropped out cos I didnt really like it. Was doing something with computing and didnt know that I was getting my self in for getting skull fucked by maths so I promptly ran away as fast as I could haha. After I completed the course withdrawel papers I felt rather good :) as I was supposed to have had a job lined up but as with most things in life it wasnt for definate. See I had worked for that company before and they said after christmas was done they would have space for me, turns out they didnt. So I spent nine months, NINE months doing absolutley nothing. Yes I am a lazy bastard but even nine months was a bit too much for me and when I got offered a job where my dad works I was in there like a lightning bolt.

But after a while they were really worried bout me which is understandable but I was ok for the most part anyway, was kinda degrading when your friends are taking he piss outta ya but now I can do it to them as they are the ones that will soon be unemployed mwahahaha !!

So now she's at it again <.< "Im'm worried about you"
.... "Huh WHY?"
"I dont know really"
" What more can I do like? I mean I'm working and I'm in college! "

and eh it all kinda went downhill from there. Still there probably is something up with me that I dont want to admit to myself which is why I'm writin this blog in the first place....

To those of you who are interested my actual name is Cian, Key is just a shorthand form of it :)



Friday, May 22, 2009

The weaher and some other stuff

Here does anyone know what the zonk is up with the weaher atm? I mean its gone mad, today i went from a nice morning to pissing rain in the evening, with a bastard of a wind too .... riight now I dont really mind all that much ya know tests and all that. But we havent had a proper summer in ages. Remember what that was like???? No...... <.< grrrr I usually dont mind bad weather (in winter anyway) as long as there is some form of summer to ya know balance th whole thing out, but its kinda taking the piss now. I know Ireland is famous for having bad weather but can we just have a little sun please =[

Pulled an all nighter trying to sort out my internal clock, cos getting woken up by my dad when he comes home from work at 6pm is not good at all haha. Went to bed at 11 cos I was wrecked got about 3 hours sleep and now here I am wide awake again -.-

Oh I almost forgot :) I'm gonna be buying a mega computer once I finsih college, spending about 1800 quid on one I built myslef. In short its gonna eat my old computer alive hehe.

bye for now



Got a test on Tuesday n started studying there.... well trying to anyway. I'm just after realising how doomed I am :<

I want to get somebody else to go in and do it ya know =P but because the world is evil I have to go in and do it myslef.

I'm impatient too I commented K bout 5 mins ago trying to talk to more people ya know, cos if I'm writting this blog and nobodies paying attention it is a very big fail (^^,) cant wait to hear from you guys and I'l add the rest of yere ( mostly the people on K's page ) blogs as I read them and get up to date on whats going on.

Due to time zone differences I'l have to wait for about 10 years to hear form ye, hope ye find my stuff interesting n funny too. Got a good few laughs off the stuff Ive read so far :)

I'l comment some more people and hopefully my blog will take off.

looking forward to hearing from ye :)



Hey ppl,

just decided to set up a blog there after spending most of last night and today reading several blogs. Seemed like a good place to come and show my thoughts about the world and whats going on in my life.....

oh and btw is it just me or are those letters you have to enter at the set up phase insanely hard or is it just me???? I had to re-neter mine about 6 times (^^,)

pretty busy atm but my blogs will pick up once I finish col which is next tuesday and I cant wait :D

See ye all soon